Proudly presenting: IQWiG Client Testimonial
While you can rely on me to treat your documents and our working relationship as strictly confidential, sometimes satisfied clients provide references for publication.
The German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWIG) is one of them. I had the honor of supporting IQWiG during most of 2024 by helping them overcome a translation bottleneck. During our successful, mutually enjoyable partnership IQWiG commissioned me to complete >200,000 words of German-to-English medical translation.
Wishing IQWiG all the best for the future. I’ll be around to help next time you experience a staff shortage!
Interested to learn more and to find out how I can help you in similar situations? Click References for further client testimonials and Continuing Education to find out how I regularly brush up on the latest medical and technologial advances to make sure my clients get the most for their money.