Clinical Trials +++ Life Sciences +++ HTA (Health Technology Assessment) +++ Oncology +++ Virology +++ Translating Patient Records +++ Cardiology +++ Trauma Surgery +++ Roche +++ Medical Technology +++ ChatGPT +++ SEO +++ Neural Machine Translation +++ Orthopedics

Dear business partners,

Ongoing training and in-depth industry knowledge are indispensable building blocks for state-of-the-art medical, HR and legal translations. In an effort to serve you better, I am continuously striving to keep up with technological advances in your fields of business. Below please find some prime examples of recent advanced training activities.

I can’t wait to get new insights into to some of the most gripping technical and medical advances … and to apply my new skills!

Continuing Education Ticker:

September 2024 to January 2025

Presentation: Dr. med. Alric Rüther, IQWiG (part 1), Dr. Marie Groneberg, Ecker + Ecker GmbH (part 2), Sarah Böhme, Pfizer (part 3), Friedhelm Leverkus, retired director HTA & Outcomes Research, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals (part 4)

Certificate course consisting of 4 qualified webinars • Members and supporters of DGPharMed can gain a profound insight into the growing demands surrounding the topic of HTA (Health Technology Assessment) of drugs and medical devices, which is increasingly falling within the scope of pharmaceutical medicine.

The four training sessions build on one another and provide members involved in clinical development in particular with a solid foundation for understanding the links between the benefit assessment requirements and Phase I-III clinical trials. This year’s introductory lecture on September 26 was given by Dr. med. Alric Rüther from the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care.

Part 1: Basic knowledge of benefit assessment/HTA

    • Key principles behind HTA for drugs and medical devices
    • Requirements for study designs incl. outcomes
    • Stakeholders

Part 2: Benefit assessment of medicinal products/AMNOG in Germany and EU-HTA

    • Basic principles of the German Medicinal Products Market Restructuring Act (AMNOG) and EU-HTA
    • Requirements for study designs incl. outcomes
    • Appropriate comparator therapy (ACT)

Part 3: HTA consulting services

    • Advance guidance on drugs
    • AMNOG
    • EU HTA and prior to clinical trials: Joint Scientific Consultation (JSC), Joint Clinical Assessment (JCA)

Part 4: Post-marketing data collection

    • Regulatory framework
    • Requirements
    • Evaluation (examples)

November 2024

  • Translating in Style: Editing and Writing English Texts

Speaker: Deborah Fry

“Words are cheap; good style is priceless.” Especially in times of AI and neural machine translation, translation clients and translators should consider this thought. In this two-part seminar, I dealt intensively with the following questions so that my clients can make optimal use of their working time by devoting themselves to their actual tasks without being burdened by such questions:

    • How important is (English) style really these days and in which areas?
    • What is the role of human translators in this?
    • Which rules apply across all types of texts and subject areas, which target group-specific conventions need to be taken into account?
    • And how can stylistic best practice be effectively implemented in everyday wor

July 2024

  • Design and Interpretation of Clinical TrialsJohns Hopkins University, online non-credit course

Presenters: Janet Holbrook, PhD, MPH, Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
and Lea T. Drye, PhD, Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health

Course Certificate: Design and Interpretation of Clinical Trials by Johns Hopkins University, Susanne Henke

Design and Interpretation of Clinical Trials


      • Types of Trial Designs
      • Randomizsation and Masking
      • Outcomes and Analysis
      • Ethics
      • Reporting Results
      • Randomized Clinical Trials

June 2024

  • Neural Machine Translation – possibilities of terminology enforcement, based on the example of DeepL – Webinar in cooperation with the Deutscher Terminologie-Tag (German Terminology Association)

Presenter: Tom Winter, terminologist, computational linguist and data scientist at Deutsche Bahn AG

October 2023

ATA 64th Annual Conference: In October 2023, I had the opportunity to attend a high-level industry gathering in Miami in combination with an extended stay in Florida and Baltimore, Maryland, where I spent 3 weeks working remotely and engaging with local clients.

Hosted by the American Translators Association, the high-profile conference provided in-depth insights into artificial intelligence in translation (ethics, data protection, technology) and also offered numerous training opportunities in the fields of medical translation, quality management in translation and excellence in customer service. For more details, I recommend reading my travel report.

Feel free to get in touch if you would like to meet me for coffee at an upcoming conference!

ATA64 Miami Susanne Henke

June 2023

  • Translating Patient Records – Medical translation, directly from the physician (4 sessions) – Translating oncological findings and tumor board meeting minutes

Presenter: Marianthi Krikeli, radiation oncologist

I am delighted about this renewed opportunity to learn directly from a radiation oncologist. Translating oncology reports and tumor board meeting minutes is always challenging.

This 4-part webinar series addresses a range of oncology issues and takes an in-depth look at both oncological findings and the tumor board meeting minutes. In modern cancer care, the tumor board review is pivotal in making treatment decisions in modern cancer care.

May 2023

  • The Hottest Programming Language on the Market? English!

Presenter: Dorothee Töreki

What are prompts in ChatGPT? A prompt is that information you give to an AI to make it do what you want it to do.

When machines understand language, the main programming language becomes a human one—English. Prompt engineering is about teasing out the strengths and weaknesses of an AI machine. If we are still defining rules for how to use the technology. Prompt engineers do important work here.

Another important importance of prompts is that only those who give good input will get excellent output. We have to learn to ask the right questions.

März 2023

  • ATA GLD Members in Europe Workshop

Eighth Annual Workshop of the American Translators Association’s German Language Division held in Europe

Invited speaker: Jay Marciano, President, Association for Machine Translation in the Americas

Presentation and panel discussion on MT, AI and the Language Professional: How to fit into the emerging language services landscape

Dr. Karen Leube presented the Latest & greatest in the American Medical Association Manual of Style (a must-have guide for anyone involved in medical and scientific publishing, providing everything you need to produce well-organized and clear manuscripts).

63th Annual ATA Conference in Los Angeles: Report from attendees Susanne Henke and Bettina Schreibmaier-Clasen

January 2023

  • ChatGPT: The revolution of the internet When machines have a better command of language than humans (or do they?)

Presenter: Dorothee Töreki

The versatile chat bot GPT-3 will dramatically change many work environments. So it’s time to get to grips with the technology – to ensure that it turns into an assistant rather than a threat.

November 2022

  • Translating Patient Records – Medical translation, directly from the physician (2 parts) – Translating radiological findings

Presenter: Marianthi Krikeli, radiation oncologist

The field of radiology is complex and diverse. In the webinar, the various examination methods are discussed and the important points of diagnostics and reporting are reviewed.


Basics of radiology, different examination methods, diagnostics and reports

  • Medical translation – Translating package inserts and professional information
  • Medical translation – The German Law on Advertising of Pharmaceuticals and Medicinal Products (Arzneimittel- und Heilmittelwerbegesetz)

Presenter: Dr. Simko Sama, Medical Affairs Scientist at Pfizer

  • Medical translation – The medical dictionary MedDRA: structure and practical use

October 2022

Translation Conference in Los Angeles and prolonged stay on the Pacific Coast: American Translators Association (ATA) annual conference

ATA 63rd Annual Conference: In October 2022, I jumped at the chance to attended the world’s largest translation conference in Los Angeles and stay on the Pacific Coast for a total of 3 1/2 weeks. This was a perfect opportunity for me to hone my language skills, meet clients and generate new leads.

I thoroughly enjoyed (re)connecting with clients and colleagues, learning from the best and expanding my skills in countless advanced training sessions, as well as keeping up with the latest industry trends.

Coming up next is #ata64 in Miami. Let me know if you would like to meet me in Florida next October!

September 2022

  • Oncology – therapeutic approaches and technological options for treating tumors

This webinar provides an overview of different therapeutic approaches used in the treatment of tumor diseases. It describes various technical options, their potential and their limitations, and briefly discusses the goals and techniques of both classical and modern therapeutic approaches.


  • Characteristics and dignity of tumor cells/tumors.
  • Tumor staging and diagnosis/treatment options
  • Removal by surgery
  • minimally invasive tumor therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation
  • Immunological approaches
  • Immunological approaches
  • Genetic approaches

August 2022

  • Translating Patient Records Medical translation, directly from a medical doctor – Translating histological findings

Presenter: Marianthi Krikeli, radiation oncologist

I am pleased to have this opportunity to learn directly from a medical doctor. Translating histological findings and pathological reports is always an exciting challenge.


  • Histological sections
  • Resection margins
  • Preparations
  • Stains
  • Immunohistochemical preparation
  • Frozen section
  • Biopsy
  • How is a surgical specimen prepared and recorded for reporting?
  • What are the common types of pathological-histological examinations?

May to December 2022

  • Lecture series “What creates knowledge” at the Martinsried Science Campus

Lectures by leading experts from around the world on broad topics in the field of life sciences. Lecture language is English.

April 2022

  • Legal translation: The “small” courts: translation and interpretation in probate, guardianship and registry matters

Interpreting or translating at the land registry, probate court, guardianship court, registry court, or other division of the district court. Examples: Probate, appointment of a guardian or full mouth, extract from the commercial register- these written or oral assignments are not always easy, because each time it involves a different area of law, special terminology, lack of equivalences in the target language and a special setting.

March 2022

  • Search Engine Optimization: Combined seminar: Editorial SEO for translators and copywriters – incl. in-depth workshop

February 2022

  • Translating Patient Records – Cardiology: Medical translation, directly from a medical doctor – Translating cardiological findings

Presenter: Marianthi Krikeli, radiation oncologist

I am happy about this opportunity to learn directly from a medical doctor. Translating medical records is always a challenge.

November 2021

  • Virology: Medical translators – SARS-CoV-2 and Covid19 – an update

June 2021

  • Medical Translators – Bacteria and Antibiotics Part 2: Antibiotics and resistant bacteria.
  • Medical Translators – Bacteria and Antibiotics Part 1: Human Pathogenic Bacteria

May 2021

  • Medical translators – Hematology – Special: Hemostasis (hemostasis and coagulation)
  • Medical Translators – Cardiovascular System – Special: Hypertension and Heart Failure

April 2021

  • Medical translators – Cardiovascular system – Part 2: The circulatory system and blood pressure
  • Medical Translators – Cardiovascular System – Part 1: Anatomy and Physiology of the Heart

February 2021

  • Life Sciences – Fundamentals – Combiwebinar
  • Medical Translators – Medical Quality Management
  • Medical Translators – The Immune System Part 3: General Pathology and Autoimmune Diseases
  • Medical Translators – The Immune System Part 2: General Pathology of the Immune System and Allergies

January 2021

  • Medical translators – Neurophysiology

Seminar: Press releases for the pharmaceutical industry | Workshop (English < German)

Date: 9 February 2018 | Location: Munich, Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators | Info:

Press releases are important instruments for companies to build trust and a positive image in the public. For this to succeed, it must arouse interest, be understandable and convincing. But first of all it must bait the reader and be read. An effective headline is the be-all and end-all here.

Tour: Roche Diagnostics in Penzberg near Munich


June 2017.

Pharma & Diagnostics

The collaboration of the two divisions, Pharma and Diagnostics, in Penzberg is unique within the Roche Group. From research, through development to production they cover the entire value-added chain. Their innovations help patients worldwide to live a better life.

Innovative competence center for Life Sciences

As an antibody powerhouse, Roche Penzberg stands for research, development and production of this class of therapeutic proteins. The site is a hub of worldwide importance for the production of diagnostic tests, raw materials, analyser systems and biopharmaceuticals.

Roche passionately drives the digitisation of healthcare and personalised medicine. This is how Roche contributes to the well-being of patients worldwide.

With over four decades of experience in biotechnology, Roche’s commitment lies in the enthusiastic and passionate research and implementation of new solutions in life sciences.

The Medical Division of the German translators’ association (BDÜ, Bavarian section) used this unique chance to discuss current research topics with the experts and get the latest news about current trends in the develoment of biologicals. The lecture was followed by a tour of the extensive site including the pharma biotech production buildings where we got valuable insights into the production of monoclonal antibodies, one of the greatest issues of our times.

Die Fachgruppe Medizin bei Roche in Greatern Munich

(c) A. Lysinger

Weekend Workshop: Medical Statistics

March 25 – 26, 2017, Diakonissen Hospital Speyer (Germany) | Info:

Many translators working in the fields of pharmacy, medicine or medical technology come into contact with medical statistics and biometrics, for example when translating study synopses, specialist articles or marketing materials based on study results. Basic knowledge of this special field of statistics is required to ensure correct translation.


  • Types of studies and basics of clinical studies
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Statistical risk and quality measures
  • Bivariate Statistics
  • Statistical tests
  • Discussion of translation problems using examples from participants

About the speaker

Dr. biol. hum. Benjamin Mayer is a research assistant at the Institute of Epidemiology and Medical Biometry at the University of Ulm and habilitated in Medical Biometry. He teaches biometrics for students of human medicine, the online Master’s programme Advanced Oncology and medical information management.

Weekend Workshop: Emergency Surgery / Traumatology

Date: Sept. 16-18, 2016 | Place: Sana Klinikum Hameln | Info:


  • Basic anatomy (including central terms) and physiology of the musculoskeletal system
  • Examination procedures in traumatology & orthopaedics (e.g. neutral-zero method, conventional X-ray, tomographic imaging, ultrasound)
  • General information on joint diseases and fractures
  • Fracture healing
  • Conservative and surgical fracture treatment
  • Special features in pediatric and elderly patients
  • Guided tour through the house (patient’s path from the shock room via X-rays into the operating theatre and onto the ward)
  • Diagnosis and therapy for diseases of the upper extremity (e.g. humerus fracture, shoulder luxation, carpal tunnel syndrome…) & lower extremity (e.g. femoral neck fracture, coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, compartment syndrome)
  • Diagnosis and therapy of: Thorax, abdomen and pelvis (pneumothorax, blunt abdominal trauma, pelvic fracture and symphysis bursting) & spine (herniated disc, vertebral body fracture, traumatic paraplegia…)

Weekend Workshop: Hands-on Medical Technology – Cardiology

Date: Oct. 22-23, 2016 | Place: Diakonissen Hospital Speyer | Info:

This seminar provides insights into cardiological functional diagnostics and interventional cardiology.

  • Anatomy and physiology of the heart
  • ECG – Functionality and representation of anomalies
  • Guided tour through functional diagnostics and cardiac catheter laboratory
  • Practice unit
  • Catheter procedures
  • Rhythm disturbances and their treatment (defibrillator, ICD, pacemaker)