Areas of Expertise: Medicine, Life Sciences, Law, HR/Talent Development

Why specialization matters

Ongoing training and in-depth industry knowledge are indispensable building blocks for top-notch specialist translations.

Partnering with a skilled professional to translate and edit your talent development, training and e-learning materials can considerably increase your ROI. DEI awareness is key to your success.

Over the past decades, I have become a subject-matter expert in fields such as Life Sciences, Medicine, HR (Human Resources), Talent Development, eLearning and DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). Ongoing training and in-depth industry knowledge are indispensable building blocks for top-notch translations, turning my passion for lifelong learning into a real game changer for my business partners. My clients value my unparalleled commitment, continued support and partnership, and I love to go the extra mile to not only meet but also exceed their expectations.

Why is in-depth industry knowledge important? There are two main reasons:

  1. Specialized terminology. That is, each technical term has a precise meaning. If the translator fails to convey the precise meaning of the term, the translation fails in its purpose.
  2. Authentic tone and style. Merely conveying the precise meaning of your source text is not enough. The way we address your audience must feel natural to them. We must speak to them as if the text had originally been written in their native language. That is an art by itself, and it takes an experienced and highly trained human language professional to accomplish.

That’s why I am continuously striving to stay on top of technological advances in your fields of business. I am keeping my finger on the pulse for you—to live up to my promise to guarantee you the best possible outcome. Interested to find out more? Click here to to learn about my latest continuing education activities.

Ongoing training and in-depth industry knowledge are indispensable building blocks for top-notch translations, turning my passion for lifelong learning into a real game changer for my business partners.

Susanne Henke

The following is a brief overview of some of the subareas and text types involved:

Talent development and training:
  • Talent development strategy papers
  • Classroom guides
  • Facilitator guides
  • Training materials
  • Online assessments
  • Self-assessments
  • eLearning courses
  • Educational technology
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)
Medicine | Life Sciences | Medical Technology:
  • Medical records*
    • Histological findings
    • Radiological findings
    • Tumor board meeting minutes
    • Medical reports
    • Discharge reports
    • Lab reports
    • Visit notes
    • Findings reports
    • Doctor’s letters
    • *Notarized translation of all medical records available upon request
  • Health Technology Assessment (HTA) reports
  • Benefit assessments
  • Informed consent forms
  • Clinical trial documentation
  • Product Information, instructions for use (IFU) and patient information:
    • Oncology
    • Cardiology
    • Endoprosthetics/joint prosthetics (shafts, inlays, cups etc.)
    • Implants (nails, screws, plates etc.)
    • Surgical instruments
    • Endoscopic/laparoscopic instruments (trocars, cutters, staplers etc.)
    • Coronary stents
    • Chemical analyzers (for in-vitro diagnostics)
    • IVD assays
    • Ultrasound instruments, devices, generators
    • Catheter systems
    • Needles and cannulas
Certified translations of legal and personal documents:
  • Divorce documents
  • Last will and testaments
  • Personal records
  • Academic transcripts
  • Sworn (certified or notarized) translations – English | French | German (Learn more)

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“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”

Mark Twain